Wednesday, January 27, 2010


We're getting ready for the census. Mayor Bradley is reaching out to the faith community, in order to identify and count the number of people in the community.

It's important work.

Next meeting is February 10th at 12:30 at St. Bartholomew's Church.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

On the massacre in Virginia Tech

On a pastoral note before the sermon last Sunday, I shared with my congregation some words regarding this terrible occurance in U.S. history:

During the last week the media and the press has been covering events occuring in Virginia Tech University, describe to have been second to none in U.S. history. 33 persons died that morning. Sadly, this week has been a week of spectacle, of TV entertainment, instead of collective grieving.

As latinoamericanos we have had the damned opportunities to be witnesses of political, economic and terrorist attempts against more than 33 human lives at once. We also have the blessings to be in this community in this time in history both with knowledge of the pain and the assurance of comfort and peace through the witness of our faith. In the midst of suffering of our fellow United States citizens, let us be a witness of Latin American endurance, and of Christian strength and peace.

Also, let me note that there were not 32 victims in this masscre. 33 people were the victims. The 33rd was a troubled young man, part of a family, a person, who was not tended properly. Accusing him of being a monster dos not solve this situation. Much to the contrary, it only exacerbates American lack of forgiveness, and of compassion. Much is said about his mental problems, but little negligence is admitted by health professionals and university officials. Much is said about the grieving families and university community, but little is said about this young man's family, who grieves as much, and who are as confussed.

Let us pray for all 33 familes. Let us pray of a whole nation. We, latinoamericanos will also remember our own experiences and be a voice, in this time, of restoration and hope, when some see none now.


The Rev. Amaury Tañón-Santos
to the Misión Bautista Hispana de Westchester on Sunday, April 22, 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The White Plains Religious Leaders

We are a group of clergy in White Plains. We're busy. But not so busy we can't blog.

This site is for announcements; to help foster discussion; to be a witness to what is righteous and beautiful in the world; to aid in our work for justice and peace.